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Police Commission Meeting Minutes 2011

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Meeting Minutes

01-10-2011 Police Commission

January 10, 2011 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The January 2011 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on January 10, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Rose Hejl, and Ronald Vale. Also present was Chief of Police Fred Frego. Commissioners Donald Farris and Robert Long, as well as Town Council Liaison Michael Forbes, were not present. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


December 13, 2010 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the December 13, 2010 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


Commissioner Hejl read a letter dated December 22, 2010 and addressed to Assistant Chief of Police Frank Chapranda and Staff. Said correspondence was from resident Lee Milazzo, also owner of Perm Machine & Tool Company located here in St. John. Mr. Milazzo stated in his letter he wished to thank Assistant Chief Chapranda and all the members of the St. John Police Department for the excellent level of professionalism that has always been extended to him and his family, as well as to his business Perm Machine & Tool Company. Whether it was an accidental false alarm at his home and/or business, and even when an officer performed CPR on his father, Leo, in Stop & Shop as he laid there dying, Mr. Milazzo stated he owed the Department a long overdue sincere thank you and a debt of gratitude. Mr. Milazzo and his wife, Cindy, wished to extend a small token of their appreciation by providing lunch to all members of the staff of the St. John Police Department. To make this task simple, they chose to patronize local St. John restaurants and sandwich shops, and they purchased gift cards for all members on staff to enjoy lunch on them.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for December 2010. Chief Frego stated that from December 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 15,321 miles and responded to 513 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 8 adult arrests with 8 charges being filed, and 4 juvenile arrests with 4 charges being filed. There were 77 traffic citations issued along with 20 written warnings for a total of 97 citations being issued during the month of December 2010 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of December, vehicle thefts totaled $19,000.00, and all other thefts totaled $3,265.00. The total value of recovered property was $3,001.00. The officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / DDE / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 0 traffic citations and 0 written warnings for a total of 0 citations being issued on the grants during the month of December 2010. The investigation of these violations resulted in 0 adult arrest with 0 charge being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of December 2010.


Revised General Order 14.07 – Station Video Recording Equipment –
Instead of revising this General Order, Chief Frego stated a new General Order was written; General Order 9.09 – Electronic Recording of Custodial Interrogations and Confessions. See below under “New Business.”


Budget –
Chief Frego advised the 2011 Budget has been finalized, it is in place, and it is the same as last year.


Human Resources –
Commissioner Dodaro stated the Commission has received a request to hire a Police Officer from Chief Frego to replace one of the two officers that retired. Commissioner Hejl made a motion to authorize and approve Chief Frego to hire a police officer to fill one of the two vacant spots that the Police Department currently has. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0). Chief Frego stated he would like to have authorization to offer the position to the first candidate on the Final Register of Police Officer Candidates and should that person decline the position, then to proceed to the next candidate on the list and so on until the position is filled. The Commission agreed and granted Chief Frego permission to offer the position to the first candidate on the Final Register of Police Officer Candidates and should that individual decline, Chief Frego was to continue down the list until the position is filled.

Though he did not see the item on the agenda but based on his knowledge gained through conversations with the Chief, Commissioner Dodaro asked Chief Frego if he was requesting permission to fill one of the two supervisors’ positions at this time. Chief Frego responded with a “yes.” Commissioner Hejl made a motion to promote the first officer on the Sergeant’s Eligibility List to the rank of Sergeant. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0). Some discussion ensued regarding as to when to make this promotion effective. Chief Frego stated it would not be possible to get the officer sworn-in at the next Town Council Meeting, which would be held this coming Thursday, January 13, 2011. Therefore, the swearing-in would have to be at the last Town Council Meeting for the month scheduled for January 27, 2011. It was agreed the effective date for this promotion would be the first day of the next pay period after January 27, 2011, which would be Saturday, January 29, 2011. Commissioner Dodaro asked that once Chief Frego set up the swearing-in, the Chief then notify the Commissioners so that they could make arrangements to be in attendance.


New General Order 9.09 – Electronic Recording of Custodial Interrogations and Confessions –
Chief Frego stated effective January 1, 2011, per Indiana Supreme Court Rule 617, all statements of suspects in felony arrests are to be video recorded. IBT installed a stand-alone system on December 21, 2010 at the station. The audio/visual is of a good quality. Chief Frego stated he has been waiting for the Prosecutor’s Office to come thru with a policy, but that never happened so he decided to do our own policy. After reviewing other departments’ policies, General Order 9.09 was written. Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve General Order 9.09 – Electronic Recording of Custodial Interrogations and Confessions as written. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0). In response to Commissioner Dodaro’s question, Chief Frego advised the stand alone system has been installed, tested, and is operational. Now that the General Order has been approved, Chief Frego stated training on the system will be provided to the appropriate personnel. Commissioner Dodaro suggested that if any of the Commissioners would like to view the new equipment and see how it operates, they should contact Chief Frego and make arrangements to see the system.
Revised Table of Contents for General Orders –
Commissioner Hejl made a motion to accept and approve the revised Table of Contents for General Orders as presented. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


Chief Frego requested the Commission’s approval to attend the Indiana Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Annual Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana on January 26, 27 and 28, 2011. Chief Frego stated he has gone every year in the past, and would like to attend this year. Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve Chief Frego’s attendance at the Indiana Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference being held January 26-28, 2011 in Indianapolis, Indiana. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).

Chief Frego stated he has been in contact with an individual who is taking “up the torch” to deny the parole of John Lee, the individual convicted of killing both Indiana State Trooper John Streu and St. John Town Marshal James Larimer in 1971. The next parole hearing is February 8, 2011. This subject has requested that Chief Frego, and whoever else is available, appear before the Parole Board on February 8, 2011 at 8:30 A.M. Indianapolis time. Chief Frego stated he would be going to Indianapolis the night before the hearing and would be staying the night so that he could appear before the Parole Board on the morning of February 8, 2011. Chief Frego added that James Larimer’s son is flying in from California for this hearing as well. Trooper Streu’s wife, who lives in Peru, Indiana, will also be in attendance. Chief Frego stated there is a petition being circulated for individuals to sign in regards to denying John Lee parole. Some discussion ensued. The Commission stated they were in favor of Chief Frego attending this Parole Hearing.

Chief Frego advised the Commission that February 20, 2011 will be the 40th Anniversary of the shootings of Trooper John Streu and Town Marshal James Larimer. A memorial service is in the process of being planned on that day. Officer Steve Flores is involved in the planning of this event, and he is doing a really good job. The Indiana State Police will be in attendance, along with the Lake County Bags and Drums. The service will be held at 1:00 P.M. on February 20, 2011 at Kolling Elementary School, the site of the actual shootings. Refreshments will be served after the service in the school’s gymnasium. Some discussion ensued.


There were no items of “Any and All.”


There was no “Public Comment” at tonight’s meeting.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, February 14, 2011. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Farris made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the meeting was adjourned at 7:17 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

02-14-2011 Police Commission

February 14, 2011 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The February 2011 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on February 14, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Rose Hejl, and Ronald Vale. Also present was Chief of Police Fred Frego. Town Council Liaison Michael Forbes was present, as well as Town Council President Mark Barenie. Commissioners Donald Farris and Robert Long were not present. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


Commissioner Hejl made a motion to keep the officers of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John the same as in the Year 2010; namely, William Dodaro – Chairman; Ronald Vale – Vice Chairman; and Rose Hejl – Secretary. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


The following tow firms had representation present for the Annual Tow Meeting:

Emerald Towing
Kubiak Service
Stan’s Auto Body and Towing

Mr. Tim Rosinko, of St. John Auto and Towing, had planned on being in attendance but was currently at the hospital due to a fall. Commissioner Dodaro commented that the total number of tows for the Year 2010 (341) was down from Year 2009 (399). Other than fewer tows, everything else appeared to be going well. A gentleman named Scott, representing Emerald Towing of 12644 Wicker Avenue in Cedar Lake, Indiana, stated it has been 2-1/2 years since his company has received a tow from the St. John Police Department, and he wondered why his firm was not being called for tows. Scott also stated he had knowledge that the St. John Police Department called for a heavy wrecker tow on February 7, 2011, and his company did not receive that call. In response to Chief Frego’s question, Recording Secretary Joan Gorcos advised there were only two (2) heavy wrecker tows in 2010 from the St. John Police Department, and Stan’s responded to both. Chief Frego stated he did not know exactly why Emerald did not receive a tow from St. John, but it could be due to availability. Some discussion ensued. Commissioner Dodaro stated Chief Frego would look into the matter and would get back to Emerald Towing with an answer.


January 10, 2011 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the January 10, 2011 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of correspondence presented at tonight’s meeting.


The Commissioners stated the 2010 Year End Report was an excellent report and was very well done. Chief Frego thanked the Commission for their comments.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for January 2011. Chief Frego stated that from January 1, 2011 through January 31, 2011, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 14,518 miles and responded to 472 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 18 adult arrests with 24 charges being filed, and 4 juvenile arrests with 6 charges being filed. There were 209 traffic citations issued along with 43 written warnings for a total of 252 citations being issued during the month of January 2011 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of January, vehicle thefts totaled $1,500.00, and all other thefts totaled $7,654.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. The officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / DDE / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 0 traffic citations and 0 written warnings for a total of 0 citations being issued on the grants during the month of January 2011. The investigation of these violations resulted in 0 adult arrest with 0 charge being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of January 2011.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


New Hire – David L. Rybicki – Chief Frego advised that Officer David Rybicki was not sworn in at tonight’s meeting as originally anticipated due to the Department not receiving approval from PERF. Chief Frego stated that Officer Rybicki’s physical and psychological exams were completed, and the proper paperwork was prepared and sent to PERF in Indianapolis; however, approval has not yet been received as of the time of this meeting. In order to not jeopardize Office Rybicki’s employment as a police officer, Chief Frego contacted Munster’s Chief of Police, and made arrangements for Officer Rybicki to remain on Munster’s payroll until St. John receives approval from PERF. It is anticipated that Officer Rybicki will be sworn in at the St. John Town Council meeting scheduled for later this month.


Approve Revised General Order 19.01 – Police Dog –
Chief Frego advised the only revision to this General Order is on Page 5, Item 7. Training and Care, Paragraph a. The revision now stipulates that K-9 officers will review and execute a Canine Officer Compensation Agreement for compensation related to K-9 responsibilities. Commissioner Hejl made a motion to accept and approve the revised General Order 19.01 – Police Dog as presented. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).
Approve Canine Officer Compensation Agreement –
For their approval, the Commission had before them a Canine Officer Compensation Agreement that was prepared by the Town’s Attorney. Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the agreement as written. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


Chief Frego advised he traveled to Indianapolis last week to attend the parole hearing for John Robert Lee, who was convicted of the murders of Town Marshal James Larimer and ISP Trooper John Streu, which occurred on the morning of February 20, 1971. Chief Frego stated he has since learned that John Robert Lee’s parole was denied, and he will remain incarcerated for at least another five (5) years.

Chief Frego commented that a Memorial Service is being planned for the 40th Anniversary of the shootings of Town Marshal James Larimer and ISP Trooper John Streu. The service is scheduled for 1:00 P.M. on Sunday, February 20, 2011, and will be held at the Kolling Elementary School (site of the shootings). All area departments are invited to attend, as well as the widows of the slain officers, their families, and anyone else who like to attend.


Town Councilman Mark Barenie, as well as Town Councilman Mike Forbes, brought to the attention of the Commission their concerns regarding a Town resident who regularly attends Town Council Meetings; namely, Adrian Bugariu. Both councilmen stated they have noticed a change in Mr. Bugariu’s demeanor, which is causing them concern regarding their safety, as well as the safety of others who are in attendance at the Council Meetings. After much discussion ensued, it was agreed that a uniformed St. John Police Officer will be in attendance at all future Town Council meetings.


There was no “Public Comment” at tonight’s meeting.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, March 14, 2011. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Hejl made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the meeting was adjourned at 7:27 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

03-14-2011 Police Commission

March 14, 2011 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The March 2011 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on March 14, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Rose Hejl, Robert Long, and Ronald Vale. Also present was Chief of Police Fred Frego. Commissioner Donald Farris was not present. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


February 14, 2011 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the February 14, 2011 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).


There were no items of correspondence presented at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for February 2011. Chief Frego stated that from February 1, 2011 through February 28, 2011, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 11,442 miles and responded to 429 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 10 adult arrests with 15 charges being filed, and 4 juvenile arrests with 4 charges being filed. There were 176 traffic citations issued along with 23 written warnings for a total of 199 citations being issued during the month of February 2011 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of February, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $34,907.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. The officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / DDE / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 0 traffic citations and 0 written warnings for a total of 0 citations being issued on the grants during the month of February 2011. The investigation of these violations resulted in 0 adult arrest with 0 charge being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of February 2011.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


New Hire – David L. Rybicki –
Chief Frego advised that Officer David Rybicki has completed his Field Training and has been released for solo duty. Chief Frego commented that Officer David Rybicki is working out well.


Discussion was held regarding upgrading the Department’s equipment; specifically, the purchase of tasers. Commissioner Hejl made a motion authorizing the Chief of Police to purchase five (5) tasers to be utilized by the officers with a check out/check in system, pending Town Council approval. With a second by Commissioner Long, the motion carried unanimously (4-0). The Commission agreed the tasers are needed for the option of use of non-deadly force.


Chief Frego stated he would like to replace the Department’s long guns, which the Department has had since 1990, with more tactical type weapons like M-4s. Chief Frego advised some of the officers have purchased their own long guns. Chief Frego stated he would like to buy four or five guns, at a cost of about $800 each. Commissioner Dodaro recommended a vendor. Chief Frego indicated Officer Luke Schreiber, Certified Range Master, will research this matter. One possibility that will be investigated is that of trading in the old guns.


Officer Brett Sidenbender inquired as to the progress of the approval of the proposed SWAT Agreement. Chief Frego advised he was still waiting for the Town Council’s approval of the MOU.

Commissioner Dodaro stated he would like to get the gun range up and running. Chief Frego stated the Department was in the process of completing the range but due to the recession, the range was put on hold.


There was no “Public Comment” at tonight’s meeting.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, April 11, 2011. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Hejl made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the meeting was adjourned (4-0).

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

04-11-2011 Police Commission Meeting Canceled
05-09-2011 Police Commission

May 9, 2011 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The May 2011 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on May 9, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Don Farris, and Rose Hejl. Also present were Chief of Police Fred Frego and Town Councilman Kenneth Gembala. Commissioners Robert Long and Ronald Vale were not present. No legal representation was present at the meeting. These minutes are compiled from notes taken by Commissioner Hejl as the meeting was not tape recorded and Recording Secretary Joan Gorcos was not present.


March 14, 2011 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the March 14, Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of correspondence presented at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for April 2011. Chief Frego stated that from April 1, 2011 through April 30, 2011, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 18,163 miles and responded to 465 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 22 adult arrests with 31 charges being filed, and 3 juvenile arrests with 6 charges being filed. There were 302 traffic citations issued along with 50 written warnings for a total of 352 citations being issued during the month of April 2011 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of April, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $14,958.00. The total value of recovered property was $233.00. The officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / DDE / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 115 traffic citations and 42 written warnings for a total of 157 citations being issued on the grants during the month of April 2011. The investigation of these violations resulted in 1 adult arrest with 1 charge being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of April 2011.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


There were no matters involving “Human Resources”.


New General Order 3.09 – Use of TASER X26 –
Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve new General Order 3.09 – Use of TASER X26 as presented. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the motion carried unanimously (3-0). Chief Frego advised the Commission five (5) tasers were purchased for the Department. The St. John officers are scheduled to receive taser training, to be conducted by a Cedar Lake officer, on Wednesday, May 11, 2011. The training is expected to last between 2-3 hours. The Taser Policy will also be reviewed at the training. Officer Luke Schreiber is scheduled for a two-day course on June 20-21, 2011, to become a Certified Instructor, and he will then train St. John’s officers in the use of Tasers. Chief Frego also advised the Department has created a Taser Deployment Form, which will be completed every time a taser is deployed. The tasers come with software that tracks all use of the tasers.
Revised General Order 3.02 – Use of Force –
Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve revised General Order 3.02 – Use of Force as presented this evening. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


Chief Frego stated correspondence was received from Town Attorney David Austgen requesting a meeting between the St. John Town Council and the Police Commission regarding the 911 Dispatch Consolidation. Chief Frego advised he would get further information and will inform the Commission as to the date of time of the requested meeting.


There were no matters brought up under “Any and All.”


There was no “Public Comment” at tonight’s meeting.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, June 13, 2011. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Hejl made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the meeting was adjourned (3-0).

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

06-02-2011 Joint Town Council and Police Commission

June 2, 2011 Joint Town Council and Police Commission Special Meeting Minutes

Mr. Forbes called the meeting to order at 6:02 P.M. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following Town Council members present: Michael Forbes, President; Mark Barenie, Vice-President; Gregory Volk, Member; Ken Gembala, Member; David Austgen, Attorney; Steve Kil, Town Manager and Sherry Sury, Clerk-Treasurer. The following Police Commission members were also present: Fred Frego, Police Chief; William Dodaro, Chairman; Rose Hejl, Secretary; Donald Farris, Member. Also in attendance was Fred Willman, Fire Chief. Absent were Police Commission Members Ron Vale, Vice-Chairman and Robert Long, Member.

Discussion regarding joint dispatching services for Lake County –

Mr. Forbes opened the discussion by stating that the consolidation is a State mandate and must be completed by 2014. There have been discussions with the Sheriff. He turned the meeting over to Chief Frego.

Chief Frego stated that he has been keeping Mr. Austgen up to date with what has been done with the consolidated dispatch and they agreed a consolidated meeting should be held so everyone knows what has been done so far. They have had three meetings where they were part of establishing the Ordinance creating the commission establishing the consolidated dispatch. The commission consists of 21 members; 17 are police chiefs; the member must be a police chief or fire chief selected by their respective council. That has not been done yet. When the Ordinance is passed they will create an Interlocal Agreement that each town must sign.

Currently, there are 17 separate dispatch centers in Lake County; in 2014 there will be two, the main one and a backup center located somewhere in the county as provided by law.

He stated that there are advantages and disadvantages. An advantage to the town is the cost savings of about $254,000 a year to run the dispatch center. The State legislature will convene in October and for consideration is the 911 line charge that would be increased on the resident’s phone bills that will fund the consolidated dispatch centers. The towns will no longer have to pay for that service; it will be totally funded by the line charges. A disadvantage would be the loss of a personal touch – the familiarity with the Town and who the “frequent flyers” are. The town would still have to man the record center, a location to pay tickets, and people in the lock up need to be monitored 24 hours. They are currently monitored via camera from the dispatch center. SCADA is also monitored at the dispatch center. He does not know what will be done with the municipal alarms: store alarms, water alarms. Mr. Kil stated that he anticipates those items would be moved to someone internally, monitored with a laptop computer. Chief Frego stated that they also have people calling the police administration line asking about events in town. Some of the $254,000 savings would be used to man the remaining clerical work.

Chief Frego stated that the Commission discussed the hiring of people for the consolidated center. The Commission will be doing the hiring. The will hire the Director of the Center, setting the salaries, discipline, rules, procedures, etc. He also mentioned that the majority of the commission is required to have a criminal justice background.

He stated that they are still working on where the center will be located; will it be in an existing building or will they build a new building. Chief Frego also stated that until recently the 911 money has been used for 911 equipment in some of the communities. St. John received 911 money when the new station was built. The money will no longer be used for that.

Discussion ensued regarding Porter County, which has already consolidated and they are in debt. However, they consolidated prior to the 911 surcharge increase. A question was asked about whether the towns have to pay to get into the consolidated center. Chief Frego’s understanding is that it must be funded by the County, they have been mandated to execute this, and it is the Executive Officer of the County that must make this happen. Attorney Austgen mentioned he does not interpret the Statute that way; the county took the lead and is in that position which is a home rule ordinance.

Chief Frego stated that all but two counties have not consolidated. It has been recommended that the dispatch centers go on 800 MHz; no one in Lake County is 800 MHz they are currently on UHF; 800 MHz is expensive, walkies are $2,500 and car radios are $4,000. And they are not compatible with what the town has now. The equipment they have now does not match what they have planned. A rough estimate for St. John is 25 walkies times $2,500 plus 25 car radios times $3,700 plus the peripherals needed for the change. There may be grants available.

Discussion ensued as to who is going to run the dispatch center. Chief Frego stated that the current Sheriff changed the language of the ordinance to give the Commission the right to hire the director, to do the discipline, and to do the rules and regulations for running the center.

Discussion ensued regarding the cost to run the center. The sheriff’s department is sending out questionnaires to determine the current needs of the police. If the money falls short are they going to come to the Town’s for additional money? Is there a business plan, is it being developed, will the individual communities review the business plan.

Adjournment –

The meeting adjourned at 7:02 P.M.


/s/ Sherry P. Sury, Clerk-Treasurer

06-13-2011 Police Commission

June 13, 2011 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The June 2011 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on June 13, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Don Farris, and Ron Vale. Also present were Chief of Police Fred Frego and Town Councilman Kenneth Gembala. Commissioners Rose Hejl and Robert Long were not present. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


May 9, 2011 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Farris made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the May 9, 2011 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of correspondence presented at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for May 2011. Chief Frego stated that from May 1, 2011 through May 31, 2011, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 19,304 miles and responded to 576 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 25 adult arrests with 32 charges being filed, and 2 juvenile arrests with 2 charges being filed. There were 215 traffic citations issued along with 39 written warnings for a total of 254 citations being issued during the month of May 2011 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of May, vehicle thefts totaled $1,000.00, and all other thefts totaled $285.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. The officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the DI / OPO / BCC / OSS / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 168 traffic citations and 98 written warnings for a total of 251 citations being issued on the grants during the month of May 2011. The investigation of these violations resulted in 3 adult arrests with 4 charges being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of May 2011.

Chief Frego stated he has been reviewing the mid-year numbers, and the Department has responded to 10 fewer incidents than at this time last year. Also, there are an additional 30 Infraction Deferral Agreements compared to this time last year. In an effort to show activity, and starting with the June 2011 Monthly Report, Chief Frego stated the number of traffic stops made each month by the Department will be reported. Commissioner Dodaro queried, regarding with the increase in traffic enforcement by the Department, as to whether there has been a decrease in traffic accidents. Chief Frego stated that he has not noticed any significant increase or a decrease.


911 Dispatch Consolidation –
Chief Frego advised since the joint meeting with the Town Council and the Police Commission on this matter, the only update is that the ordinance for the consolidation has been passed by Lake County, and he is currently waiting for the Sheriff to schedule a meeting on this matter.


Commissioner Dodaro queried as to how the Department is handling the scheduling of officers with the disabilities that are currently going on with a couple of the officers. Chief Frego stated the Department was being “creative” in its scheduling efforts. Chief Frego stated the Department would be losing another officer at the end of June due to a very serious upcoming surgery. Officer David Oszust has a shoulder injury and a detached bicep due to an injury he sustained while performing his duties as a Lake Hills Fireman. Officer Oszust could be off work as long as 12 weeks depending on his recovery from this surgery. Chief Frego advised the Commission that Officer Oszust was scheduled to attend the D.A.R.E. Conference in Nashville, Tennessee in July 2011; however, he will be off work on sick leave from the St. John Police Department at this time. Officer Oszust will be receiving Workmen’s Compensation through the Lake Hills Fire Department during this time as well. Officer Oszust had requested to attend the D.A.R.E. Conference in July 2011 even though he will be on sick leave. Chief Frego stated he is against Officer Oszust attending this conference being that he is off injured and secondly, due to liability issues. Some discussion ensued. Commissioner Dodaro stated he would like this matter turned over to the Town Attorney for a legal opinion. Commissioner Vale stated Officer Oszust would not be able to continue to collect Workmen’s Compensation should he return to work for a week to attend the Conference. Commissioner Dodaro requested that Chief Frego consult the Town’s Attorney on this matter and then advise the Commission, in writing, of the attorney’s opinion on this matter. Chief Frego stated he has already paid for Officer Oszust to attend this conference, and he is hoping to have that money refunded due to the circumstances.


Dave’s Towing –
Removal from Heavy Wrecker Tow List – Chief Frego advised that Dave’s Towing is out of business. Some discussion ensued. Chief Frego commented that he did not feel Dave’s Towing needed to be replaced in the Heavy Wrecker’s Tow Rotation, and that we should just continue using the two (2) other providers; namely, Stan’s Towing and Emerald Towing. Commissioner Dodaro agreed the Commission would let the matter rest until the time when another tow firm should approach the Commission in regards to being added to the Heavy Wrecker Tow List. Commissioner Dodaro stated a letter, sent by certified mail and requesting a response within 10 business days, should be sent to Dave’s Towing inquiring as to their business status. More discussion ensued.


Chief Frego stated the officers had a very productive weekend wherein there 15 arrests were made. The officers were out there patrolling, they wrote a lot of tickets, and they did a good job.


In response to Commissioner Dodaro’s question, Chief Frego advised the there would be no fireworks display sponsored by the Town of St. John this year.

Commissioner Dodaro brought to Town Councilman Gembala’s attention the fact that the Police Department has one (1) officer who does not have a car assigned to him. Commissioner Dodaro stated that up until this point, they have not been able to get the Town Council to approve the purchase of a new squad car; however, the Department is in desperate need of one. Chief Frego stated he is aware the Town Council has been very busy with the appointment of a new council member to replace Councilman Michael Fryzel, and they have not been able to address the matter of a new police car. Chief Frego state he would make an appeal to the Town Council again after matters settle down but unfortunately, there are no more Ford Crown Victorias available. Councilman Gembala stated the Town Council has been busy, and the top issue is getting all the brush cleaned up from the storm. The Town had to hire extra people for brush clean up. These employees have created a third crew which is assigned to the clean up detail. The regular Public Works crews have been working 10 hours a day, but they cannot get caught up. Some discussion ensued.


There was no “Public Comment” at tonight’s meeting.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, July 11, 2011. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Farris made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 P.M. (3-0).

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

07-11-2011 Police Commission

August 11, 2011 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The July 2011 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on July 11, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Don Farris, Rose Hejl and Ron Vale. Also present were Chief of Police Fred Frego and Town Councilman Kenneth Gembala. Commissioner Robert Long was not present. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


June 13, 2011 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Farris made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the June 13, 2011 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).


Chief Frego advised that Clerk-Treasurer Sherry Sury supplied him with a letter from Town Resident Adrian Bugariu, which was addressed to the Town Council. Chief Frego advised copies of said letter are available upon request.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for June 2011. Chief Frego stated that from June 1, 2011 through June 30, 2011, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 17,687 miles and responded to 595 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 31 adult arrests with 46 charges being filed, and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed. There were 330 traffic citations issued along with 54 written warnings for a total of 384 citations being issued during the month of June 2011 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of June, vehicle thefts totaled $9,000.00, and all other thefts totaled $18,741.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. The officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / DDE / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 151 traffic citations and 88 written warnings for a total of 239 citations being issued on the grants during the month of June 2011. The investigation of these violations resulted in 3 adult arrests with 3 charges being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of June 2011.

Chief Frego advised a new reporting category has been added to the Monthly Report; that being: Traffic Stops. This data is included on the page with the 511 Citations Issued and Infraction Deferral Agreements. In June, the St. John Police Department conducted 670 Traffic Stops. Chief Frego stated that the officers of the St. John Police Department issued 284 “511” Citations, some of which were written by officers working the grants. There were 122 Infraction Deferral Agreements in the month of June 2011, for a total of 593 Infraction Deferral Agreements for the year-to-date.


Dave’s Towing – Removal from Heavy Wrecker Tow List – Recording Secretary Joan Gorcos advised a certified letter has been sent to Dave’s Towing, and we are currently awaiting a response. Chief Frego stated he heard again today that Dave’s Towing is out of business.


There were no items regarding “Human Resources.”


There were no items of “New Business.”


Chief Frego advised Corporal Dale Poston’s father passed away today. Funeral arrangements are not yet available.

Chief Frego stated he is in the process of ordering a squad car; specifically, A Ford Crown Victoria. Approval to order has been received from the Town Council, and he has completed the paperwork to apply for Ford Credit.


Commissioner Farris mentioned that August 2, 2011 is the National Night Out. Chief Frego advised the Department would be hosting their National Night Out Against Crime on August 2, 2011 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM in Civic Park.


Mr. Adrian Bugariu, of 11747 W. 90th Avenue, St. John, asked the Commission the following question, “What is the purpose of the Police Commission? What exactly are the duties and ...?” Commissioner Dodaro advised that information is included in the Indiana State Statute for Police Commissions. Commissioner Dodaro stated, for the sake of argument, the Commission sets policy, and is in charge of hiring, firing and promotions.

Mr. Bugariu stated he had his camera taken away from him in 2008, and he was told by Officer Sidenbender that he had to arrest him and take his camera because he (Adrian) had been taking pictures. Mr. Bugariu stated his camera has not yet been returned to him. Commissioner Dodaro asked Mr. Bugariu if he was arrested when his camera was taken. Mr. Bugariu stated yes, he was. Commissioner Dodaro asked Mr. Bugariu if that case was still pending. Mr. Bugariu stated Jerrie Teibel put restrictions on him for stalking, but she was the one doing the stalking. Commissioner Dodaro asked Mr. Bugariu several more times if the case was still pending, and he finally answered “yes.” Mr. Bugariu then asked if the Police Department has an Internal Affairs Division or individual. Commissioner Dodaro advised that whenever there is a complaint filed against a police officer, that complaint will be investigated. Commissioner Dodaro stated this is not like Chicago, or the State of Indiana or the State of Illinois. The Police Department does not have an Internal Affairs Division. Complaints are investigated as they come in. Mr. Bugariu then began speaking of procedures when Chief Joseph Guzik was in charge. Mr. Bugariu stated that it seems to him that since Chief Frego has been in charge, he (Frego) has a different policy wherein all the charges or complaints are tossed in the garbage, or they are never received, just like (Mike) Fryzel and Jerrie Teibel used to toss the torte notices into the garbage. Commissioner Dodaro stated he cannot debate what Fryzel and Teibel did, but he could tell him this: The policy is the complaint form is filled out at the police station and signed in front of witnesses. The complainant, whoever that may be, does not walk away with a copy of the complaint. The complaint is then forwarded to the Police Chief, and it is investigated. Some discussion ensued.

Mr. Bugariu stated he knows for a fact certain police officers inside the Police Department know about Fryzel trying to commit attempted murder against him on May 14th, 2005. Mr. Bugariu stated he requests that this man (Fryzel) be arrested and charged with attempted murder. Mr. Bugariu then started speaking of Chief Frego disciplining his very good friend Bernie Johnsen. Commissioner Dodaro stopped Mr. Bugariu at this point, stating that these issues have been debated over and over again throughout the years, and he does not have answers for him (Bugariu). Commissioner Dodaro stated that if Mr. Bugariu was not satisfied with the St. John Police Department, he had the right to go to the Prosecutor’s Office and file a complaint there. Mr. Bugariu began making comments about the case that is pending in court, and Commissioner Dodaro stated again that he could not discuss this matter as it is still in court. Mr. Bugariu ended by stating, “I demand that Fryzel be arrested and charged with attempted murder.”


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, August 8, 2011. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Hejl made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 P.M. (4-0).

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

08-08-2011 Police Commission Meeting Canceled
09-12-2011 Police Commission

September 12, 2011 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The September 2011 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on September 12, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Don Farris, Rose Hejl and Ron Vale. Also present were Chief of Police Fred Frego and Town Councilman Kenneth Gembala. Commissioner Robert Long was not present. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


July 11, 2011 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the July 11, 2011 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).


There were no items of Correspondence / Communications presented at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for August 2011. Chief Frego stated that from August 1, 2011 through August 31, 2011, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 15,892 miles and responded to 547 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 22 adult arrests with 34 charges being filed, and 5 juvenile arrests with 11 charges being filed. There were 230 traffic citations issued along with 26 written warnings for a total of 256 citations being issued during the month of August 2011 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of August, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $8,541.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. The officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / DDE / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 205 traffic citations and 85 written warnings for a total of 290 citations being issued on the grants during the month of August 2011. The investigation of these violations resulted in 5 adult arrests with 8 charges being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of August 2011.

Chief Frego stated the officers working the grant issued an additional 205 tickets, which is above and over the duty tickets. He stated the officers are working hard on the grant, which is usually a 6-hour shift after their regular duty shift. The high mileage on the grant officers’ vehicles is due to this extra enforcement. With the extra tickets being written, the number of Infraction Deferral sign-ups has gone up as well.


Dave’s Towing –
Removal from Heavy Wrecker Tow List – Recording Secretary Joan Gorcos advised the certified letter which was sent to Dave’s Towing has been returned as undeliverable. Contact was made using a previous telephone number for Dave’s Towing, and it was confirmed that the towing outfit has gone out of business. In light of this information, Commissioner Dodaro stated that Dave’s Towing is to be removed from the list of heavy tow providers, and the returned correspondence is to be kept with these minutes.


Chief Frego advised the Department is in the process of appointing five to six new Reserve Officers. The training schedule is being put together by Corporal Dale Poston. The 40-hour pre-basic course is no longer available on line; therefore, it will be live instruction held in a classroom setting. Further, Chief Frego advised former Reserve Officer Gary Ginaven has expressed an interest in returning to the Reserve Officer Program. Commissioner Gembala was asked as to when Reserve Officer Jeff Gembala might be returning, and he stated Jeff is in school at this time.


There were no items of “New Business.”


Chief Frego stated he recently came back from a conference in Indianapolis, which was very informative. Chief Frego also advised that the 911 Consolidation Meetings are being held at the St. John Public Safety Facility. The meetings will be posted according to law, and they are open to the public. The first meeting reference the 911 consolidation was held in August, wherein a Board was elected. Chief Frego stated the committee is moving forward regarding the consolidation.


Commissioner Dodaro apologized to Town Councilman Gembala for the lack of communication last month when the Police Commission Meeting was cancelled due to the lack of a quorum. Commissioner Hejl requested Councilman Gembala’s cell phone so that she could contact him in the future regarding any meeting cancellations.


There was no “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, October 10, 2011. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Hejl made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 P.M. (4-0).

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

10-10-2001 Police Commission Meeting Canceled
11-14-2011 Police Commission

November 14, 2011 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The November 2011 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on November 14, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Robert Long, and Ron Vale. Also present were Chief of Police Fred Frego and Town Councilman Kenneth Gembala. Commissioners Donald Farris and Rose Hejl were not present. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


September 12, 2011 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the September 12, 2011 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Long, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of Correspondence / Communications presented at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for October 2011. Chief Frego stated that from October 1, 2011 through October 31, 2011, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 18,967 miles and responded to 511 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 27 adult arrests with 43 charges being filed, and 4 juvenile arrests with 7 charges being filed. There were 343 traffic citations issued along with 41 written warnings for a total of 384 citations being issued during the month of October 2011 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of October, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $22,671.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. The officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / DDE / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 313 traffic citations and 114 written warnings for a total of 427 citations being issued on the grants during the month of October 2011. The investigation of these violations resulted in 1 adult arrest with 1 charge being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of October 2011.

Chief Frego advised there is a new report added to the bottom of the Traffic Report. The new report gives the combined total number of traffic citations and written warnings issued while officers were on duty and/or working the grant. In October 2011, there was a total of 656 traffic citations issued, and a total of 155 written warnings issued. The combine monthly total of citations and warnings is 811. The year-to-date total combined total of citations and warnings if 5094.


There were no items of “Old Business.”


Chief Frego advised the Department has appointed six (6) new Reserve Officers. The new Reserves have completed the 40-hour pre-basic course, OCAT and firearms training. Currently, they are being assigned to officers for FTO training.


There were no items of “New Business.”


Chief Frego had no comments.


There were no items of “Any and All.”


There was no “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, December 5, 2011. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Long made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the meeting was adjourned at 7:19 P.M. (3-0).

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

12-12-2011 Police Commission

December 12, 2011 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The December 2011 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on December 12, 2011 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order promptly at 7:00 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Donald Farris, Rose Hejl, and Ron Vale. Also present was Chief of Police Fred Frego. Commissioner Robert Long and Town Councilman Kenneth Gembala were not present. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


November 14, 2011 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the November 14, 2011 Regular Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).


There were no items of Correspondence / Communications presented at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for November 2011. Chief Frego stated that from November 1, 2011 through November 30, 2011, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 17,729 miles and responded to 478 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 12 adult arrests with 18 charges being filed, and 6 juvenile arrests with 7 charges being filed. There were 263 traffic citations issued along with 50 written warnings for a total of 313 citations being issued during the month of November 2011 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of November, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $12,069.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. The officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / DDE / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 375 traffic citations and 155 written warnings for a total of 530 citations being issued on the grants during the month of November 2011. The investigation of these violations resulted in 3 adult arrests with 3 charges being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of November 2011.

Chief Frego advised currently a Grant is being worked by officers of the department, and the total number of traffic citations written for the month of November (duty and grant activity combined) was 638 traffic citations. The total number of traffic stops by the St. John police officers for the month of November 2011 was 905. The year to date number of traffic stops is 6,292.

Commissioner Dodaro noted that Sergeant Fryzel was Number 2 as far as writing Ordinance 511 citations, following just behind Officer Adams. Further, Commissioner Dodaro stated Sergeant Johnsen is Number 3. Commissioner Dodaro commented this was impressive. Chief Frego stated the sergeants are leading by example. Commissioner Dodaro reiterated it was very impressive and commendable that the senior officers were leading by example.


There were no items of “Old Business.”


Chief Frego advised the new Reserve Officers are in Phase II of their Field Training. Phase I has been successfully completed.


There were no items of “New Business.”


Chief Frego thanked the Police Commission for their help and cooperation, and he wished them all a very Merry Christmas. Commissioner Dodaro confirmed that the Town’s Christmas luncheon would be this Friday, December 16, 2011 at 12 Noon.


There were no items of “Any and All.”


There was no “Public Comment.”


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, January 9, 2012. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Long made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the meeting was adjourned at 7:06 P.M. (4-0).

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

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