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Police Commission Meeting Minutes 2008

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Meeting Minutes

01-14-2008 Police Commission Meeting Canceled
02-05-2008 Police Commission

February 5, 2008 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The February 2008 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on February 5, 2008 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Rose Hejl, and Ronald Vale. Also present were Chief Fred Frego and Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel. Both Commissioner Donald Farris and Commissioner Robert Long were out of town at the time of this meeting. No legal representation was present at the meeting. NOTE: Commissioner Farris will be out of town until the April meeting, and he sends his regrets for not being in attendance.


December 10, 2007 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the December 10, 2007 meeting. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


Commissioner Dodaro welcomed the representatives from the tow firms that were present at tonight’s meeting; namely, St. John Auto and Kubiak’s Towing. The representatives advised there were no problems or complaints to be addressed, and thanked the Commission for the business. Chief Frego stated there are no existing problems to his knowledge, and the tow firms’ service has been fine, prompt and very efficient. The Commission thanked the tow firms for their service and for attending tonight’s meeting.


The Commission advised they had an opportunity to review the 2007 Year-End Report, and felt it was an excellent report. The report was very informative and very well put together.


There were no items of Correspondence and/or Communications brought before the Commission at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for December 2007. Chief Frego stated that from December 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 20,965 miles and responded to 493 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 33 adult arrests with 50 charges being filed and 4 juvenile arrests with 5 charges being filed. There were 124 traffic citations issued along with 83 written warnings for a total of 207 citations being issued during the month of December 2007 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of December, vehicle thefts totaled $3,800.00, and all other thefts totaled $27,910.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. Regarding grant activity, Chief Frego stated the officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / OSS / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 14 traffic citations and 10 written warnings for a total of 24 citations being issued on the grants during the month of December 2007. The investigation of these violations resulted in 0 adult arrests with 0 charges being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of December 2007.

Chief Frego read the monthly report for January 2008. Chief Frego stated that from January 1, 2008 through January 31, 2008, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 22,596 miles and responded to 478 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 34 adult arrests with 53 charges being filed and 7 juvenile arrests with 8 charges being filed. There were 353 traffic citations issued along with 113 written warnings for a total of 466 citations being issued during the month of January 2008 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of January, vehicle thefts totaled $10,000.00, and all other thefts totaled $15,425.00. The total value of recovered property was $10,000.00. Regarding grant activity, Chief Frego stated the officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / OSS / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 66 traffic citations and 34 written warnings for a total of 100 citations being issued on the grants during the month of January 2008. The investigation of these violations resulted in 8 adult arrests with 10 charges being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of January 2008. There was a typographical error in the January 2008 Monthly Report, so Commissioner Hejl made a motion to accept the Chief’s Monthly Report for January 2008 with the number of patrol miles being logged to read as “22,596” miles. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


Budget –
Chief Frego advised that approximately a week and a half ago, the Town was informed that although the 2008 budget appropriations were granted, the State has informed all municipalities they will be operating off of their 2007 budget figures. Chief Frego stated the Town of St. John is in better shape than most towns, and this will continue to put a strain on most Towns until the State resolves the property tax issue that is currently being discussed in Indianapolis.
Physical Plant –
Chief Frego advised there were some water problems in the basement of the new Public Safety Building wherein the conduit containing the fiber optic wires was leaking, but those issues have been resolved.


Reserve Officer Applicants –
Chief Frego advised the five (5) new Reserve Officers have completed their 40-hour pre-basic training, and they have been outfitted for uniforms and vests. The new Reserve Officers are still in the training stages and on Saturday, they had training on Traffic Stops, and they have completed their Personal Defense Tactics Course. Currently, final arrangements are being made for the reserves to receive training on Deadly Force and Firearms at East Chicago PD’s indoor range. The names of the five (5) new Reserve Officers are: Michael Bunnell, Ashley Camp, Toni Lozano, Jose Mendez, and Keith Totzke.


General Orders –
The Commission was presented with several General Orders, some new and some revised. Chief Frego stated he is currently in the process of going though the Policies and Procedures Manual, and he is making changes where they are necessary. Chief Frego gave a brief explanation of the changes and/or new policies presented to the Commission for approval at tonight’s meeting. After some discussion, Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the following as presented:
  1. Revised Table of Contents for the St. John Police Department’s Policy & Procedure Manual;
  2. Revised General Order 2.01 – Barking Dog Complaints;
  3. Revised General Order 2.02 – St. John Animal Control Officer – Emergency Call Outs;
  4. Revised General Order 3.07 – Arrest Processing on Station;
  5. New General Order 6.09 – Communicating with People who are Deaf or Hearing Impaired;
  6. New General Order 19.20 – Bike Patrol; and
  7. Revised General Order 21.01 – Sick Leave.

With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously.


Due to the fact that the January meeting was cancelled, Chief Frego stated he did not have an opportunity to thank the Commission for their cooperation and the work that was put forth by them in the Year 2007, so he would like to thank the Commission now.


The Commission welcomed the new Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel. Mrs. Teibel stated she was glad to be back.


There were no comments received from the public.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, March 10, 2008. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Hejl made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the meeting was adjourned.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Kolodziej, Recording Secretary

03-10-2008 Police Commission

March 10, 2008 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The March 2008 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on March 10, 2008 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Rose Hejl, and Robert Long. Also present were Chief Fred Frego and Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel. Both Commissioner Donald Farris and Commissioner Ronald Vale were not present at this meeting. No legal representation was present at the meeting. NOTE: Commissioner Farris will be out of town until the April meeting.


February 5, 2008 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the February 5, 2008 meeting. With a second by Commissioner Long, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of Correspondence and/or Communications brought before the Commission at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for February 2008. Chief Frego stated that from February 1, 2008 through February 29, 2008, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 20,253 miles and responded to 479 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 37 adult arrests with 49 charges being filed and 4 juvenile arrests with 6 charges being filed. There were 332 traffic citations issued along with 78 written warnings for a total of 410 citations being issued during the month of February 2008 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of February, vehicle thefts totaled $16,000.00, and all other thefts totaled $3,870.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. Regarding grant activity, Chief Frego stated the officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / OSS / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 74 traffic citations and 71 written warnings for a total of 145 citations being issued on the grants during the month of February 2008. The investigation of these violations resulted in 8 adult arrests with 15 charges being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of February 2008.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


Budget –
Chief Frego advised the Department is operating in 2008 on the 2007 Budget. It is not known at this time when monies will be forthcoming for Year 2008. Until matters get straightened out in Indianapolis, the Town will continue to proceed on the 2007 Budget.

Chief Frego stated in April 2007, the Police Department instituted the Infraction Deferral Program after the State Board of Accounts ruled that the St. John Driver Education Program could not continue. Since that time, the officers have done a tremendous job in writing tickets. To date, the Department has received approximately $63,000 through the Infraction Deferral Program. These monies have been deposited into the Police Department’s Special Equipment Fund. The attorney just filed another 146 Deferral Agreements. This has been a terrific program for the department. The monies will be used for the purchase of equipment and squad cars. In response to Commissioner Dodaro’s inquiry, Chief Frego stated this program is much better than the St. John Driver Education Program as there is no manpower involved, and there are no classes being taught. The paperwork is filed through the Law Firm of Austgen and Kuiper, and they administer the program, inclusive of filing the tickets at Lake County. The Police Department does the follow up check on the Agreements. The Police Department then issues a letter to the defendants advising whether or not they successfully completed the terms of the Infraction Deferral Agreement.

Physical Plant –
There was nothing new to report on this topic.


Reserve Officer Applicants –
Chief Frego advised the five (5) new Reserve Officers have completed all aspects of their training, and they are currently in the Field Training Program on the street.

Chief Frego advised the Commission he felt discussion needed to be held regarding the future testing for the Lieutenants’ and the Sergeants’ positions. There currently is no testing or list in place at this time. Chief Frego recommended the use of the same testing company as was used with the last officer hiring; namely, Standard and Associates out of Chicago, Illinois. This firm is endorsed by the Indiana Association of Chiefs of Police. Their test is a tried and true test, and it has stood up against all the legal challenges that have been thrown at it. Chief Frego stated he would like to have an established list for Lieutenants and Sergeants by the end of Spring or the beginning of Summer. Some discussion ensued regarding scheduling an Executive Session. The Commissioner determined they would schedule an Executive Session for this purpose on Monday, April 21, 2008 at 7:30 P.M. in the Conference Room at the Town Hall, 10955 W. 93rd Avenue, St. John, Indiana.


Revised Organizational Chart –
The Commission was presented with a revised Organizational Chart for the St. John Police Department. After a brief review, Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the revised Organizational Chart as presented. With a second by Commissioner Long, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


Chief Frego had no comments.


It was brought to the Commission’s attention that the current Eligibility List for Patrolman expires in November 2008. After a short discussion, the Commission decided this matter would be discussed as well at the Executive Session scheduled for April 21, 2008.


There were no comments received from the public.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, April 14, 2008. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Hejl made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Long, the meeting was adjourned.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Kolodziej, Recording Secretary

04-14-2008 Police Commission

April 14, 2008 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The April 2008 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on April 14, 2008 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Vale called the meeting to order and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, Donald Farris, Rose Hejl, and Ronald Vale. Also present were Commander Frank Chapranda, who was representing Chief Fred Frego of the St. John Police Department, and Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel. Both Commissioner William Dodaro and Commissioner Robert Long were not present at this meeting. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


March 10, 2008 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the March 10, 2008 meeting. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of Correspondence and/or Communications brought before the Commission at tonight’s meeting.


Commander Chapranda read the monthly report for March 2008. Commander Chapranda stated that from March 1, 2008 through March 31, 2008, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 22,976 miles and responded to 479 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 37 adult arrests with 51 charges being filed and 5 juvenile arrests with 5 charges being filed. There were 461 traffic citations issued along with 165 written warnings for a total of 626 citations being issued during the month of March 2008 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of March, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $17,671.00. The total value of recovered property was $200.00. Regarding grant activity, Commander Chapranda stated the officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / OSS / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 121 traffic citations and 77 written warnings for a total of 198 citations being issued on the grants during the month of March 2008. The investigation of these violations resulted in 9 adult arrests with 10 charges being filed and 1 juvenile arrest with 1 charge being filed on the grants for the month of March 2008.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


Budget –
There was nothing new to report on this topic.
Physical Plant –
There was nothing new to report on this topic.


New Reserve Officers –
Commander Chapranda advised the new Reserve Officers are currently in Field Training with the FTO’s.


There were no matters brought before the Commission under this topic.


Commander Chapranda had no comments.


The Commission advised there would be no Executive Session held on Monday, April 21, 2008, as discussed at the March 10, 2008 Regular Meeting.


There were no comments received from the public.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, May 12, 2008. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Farris made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the meeting was adjourned.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Kolodziej, Recording Secretary

05-12-2008 Police Commission

May 12, 2008 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The May 2008 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on May 12, 2008 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Vale called the meeting to order and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, Donald Farris, Rose Hejl, and Ronald Vale. Also present was Chief Fred Frego of the St. John Police Department. Commissioner William Dodaro, Commissioner Robert Long, and Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel were not present at this meeting. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


Chairman – Commissioner Farris nominated William Dodaro for the position of Chairman. Commissioner Hejl seconded the nomination. No further nominations were received. All commissioners present then cast a unanimous vote for William Dodaro as Chairman of the St. John Police Commission for the Year 2008.

Vice-Chairman – Commissioner Hejl nominated Ronald Vale for the position of Vice-Chairman. Commissioner Farris seconded the nomination. No further nominations were received. All commissioners present then cast a unanimous vote for Ronald Vale as Vice-Chairman of the St. John Police Commission for the Year 2008.

Secretary – Commissioner Farris nominated Rose Hejl for the position of Secretary. Commissioner Vale seconded the nomination. No other nominations were received. All commissioners present then cast a unanimous vote for Rose Hejl as Secretary of the St. John Police Commission for the Year 2008.

Recording Secretary – Commissioner Hejl nominated Joan Kolodziej for the position of Recording Secretary. Commissioner Farris seconded the nomination. No other nominations were received. All commissioners present then cast a unanimous vote for Joan Kolodziej as Recording Secretary for the St. John Police Commission for the Year 2008.


April 14, 2008 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the April 14, 2008 meeting. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of Correspondence and/or Communications brought before the Commission at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for April 2008. Chief Frego stated that from April 1, 2008 through April 30, 2008, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 22,149 miles and responded to 538 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 39 adult arrests with 58 charges being filed and 2 juvenile arrests with 2 charges being filed. There were 329 traffic citations issued along with 108 written warnings for a total of 436 citations being issued during the month of April 2008 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of April, vehicle thefts totaled $2,000.00, and all other thefts totaled $7,695.00. The total value of recovered property was $500.00. Regarding grant activity, the officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / OSS / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 170 traffic citations and 53 written warnings for a total of 223 citations being issued on the grants during the month of April 2008. The investigation of these violations resulted in 12 adult arrests with 15 charges being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of April 2008.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


Budget –
There was nothing new to report on this topic.
Physical Plant –
There was nothing new to report on this topic.


New Reserve Officers – Chief Frego advised the new Reserve Officers are in their final phase of Field Training with the FTO’s. They should all be up and running within another month.


There were no matters brought before the Commission under this topic.


Chief Frego had no comments.


There were no comments made at this time.


There were no comments received from the public.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, June 9, 2008. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Farris made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the meeting was adjourned.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Kolodziej, Recording Secretary

06-09-2008 Police Commission

June 9, 2008 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The June 2008 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on June 9, 2008 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Donald Farris, and Ronald Vale. Also present was Chief Fred Frego of the St. John Police Department. Commissioner Robert Long arrived at 7:08 P.M. Commissioner Rose Hejl was not present due to not feeling well. Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel was not present at this meeting. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


May 12, 2008 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Vale made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the May 12, 2008 meeting. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of Correspondence and/or Communications brought before the Commission at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for May 2008. Chief Frego stated that from May 1, 2008 through May 31, 2008, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 18,719 miles and responded to 565 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 36 adult arrests with 52 charges being filed and 2 juvenile arrests with 2 charges being filed. There were 377 traffic citations issued along with 88 written warnings for a total of 463 citations being issued during the month of May 2008 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of May, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $1,930.00. The total value of recovered property was $180.00. Regarding grant activity, the officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / OSS / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 137 traffic citations and 39 written warnings for a total of 176 citations being issued on the grants during the month of May 2008. The investigation of these violations resulted in 5 adult arrests with 9 charges being filed and 1 juvenile arrest with 1 charge being filed on the grants for the month of May 2008.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


Budget –
Commissioner Dodaro stated all local municipalities are in a budget crunch. Chief Frego advised the Town has been informed the tax draw for this year will be late again. Further, Chief Frego stated Sheriff Roy Dominguez is hosting a meeting on June 19, 2008 to further discuss the consolidation of Lake County’s dispatch centers as mandated by the State of the Indiana. The State has mandated that there will be only one (1) Central Dispatch Center per county. Chief Frego stated discussion has also been held reference combining the County’s investigation units, records, data entry, etc. Some discussion ensued.
Physical Plant –
There was nothing new to report on this topic.


Commissioner Dodaro congratulated Chief Frego on his recent appointment to NILEA’S Board of Directors. Chief Frego stated his first meeting in his new capacity is scheduled for June 11, 2008.

Commissioner Dodaro commented that the Eligibility List for New Hires will be expiring in November 2008. Chief Frego stated that according to the Department’s Rules and Regulations, that list could be extended by the Police Commission if they so desire. Commissioner Dodaro stated the Commission could extend the Eligibility List for an additional six (6) months. Chief Frego stated there were several good candidates on that list, and he felt it did not make sense if the Department was going to hire in 2009 to go through the time and expense of creating a new list. Commissioner Dodaro stated the Commission will consider extending this list in a few months (September or October). An Executive Session will be scheduled at a later date for this purpose. Some discussion ensued.

Chief Frego advised that Lake Central School Corporation’s new superintendent was pro-School Resource Officers (SRO), and it was hopeful that the Department would be placing an officer in the high school this Fall, as well as placing an officer at Clark Middle School. The new Superintendent will be starting July 1, 2008. Much discussion ensued regarding the SRO Program. Commissioner Long suggested Chief Frego contact local police chiefs and request their input regarding the value of the SRO Program in an effort to help sell the program to the Lake Central School Corporation. More discussion ensued.


There were no matters brought before the Commission under this topic.


Chief Frego had no comments.


Commissioner Farris stated he observed the officers at the recent Town Festival. He thought they looked sharp and did a good job. Chief Frego advised the Department was able to provide the police coverage at the Festival without any overtime being paid out by the Department. The Reserve Officers were present at the Festival and from a police standpoint, the Festival was very uneventful. There were no arrests or incidents.

In light of the budget crisis and with gas prices rising, Commissioner Long stated he has heard rumblings of the take home cars being taken away. Commissioner Long stated he was listening to the police officers speak about car issues, and he just wanted to make sure the Chief of Police was aware that the Police Commission was available to help him with administering some of the issues at hand so that they could relieve the pressure that is on the Chief regarding these matters. Regarding the take-home car policy, Chief Frego stated he cannot take the cars away; that decision would have to come from the Police Commission. Chief Frego stated the car issue really is a political issue right now, and the Police Commission would have to discuss the matter with the Town Council to determine the direction the Council wants to go with this issue. Chief Frego stated he would like to clarify that if the public sees a St. John police officer driving his squad car in Lake County while off-duty, the officer is not doing anything wrong. The Department’s Rules and Regulations say that the officer can drive his car off-duty. However, with the current gas prices, the public does not look favorably upon this. Chief Frego stated he has asked the officers to use common sense when driving their cars off-duty because perception is not good right now.

Commissioner Dodaro stated he felt this issue needs to be addressed in an Executive Session. Commissioner Long agreed and stated that the Commission needs to look at the facts (i.e., the officer’s mileage, who is abusing this policy, limit the amount of miles that can be driven, etc.). Chief Frego stated there are numerous options that can be considered such as limiting take-home cars to only those officers who live in Town. Commissioner Long stated if the take-home vehicles are limited to only those officers who live in Town, this may cause dissention among the officers. Commissioner Long also stated if a decision is made that only the higher ranks get take-home cars, then this too would cause dissention. Budget cuts need to affect all employees, not just the front line employee. Commissioner Long stated that right now the morale is good in the Police Department and everybody likes what the Chief does. He stated he has spoken to several officers, and they all like what is going on, and have stated the work environment is much better. Commissioner Long stated they should strategize together to make things work. More discussion ensued.


There were no comments received from the public.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, July 14, 2008. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Vale made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the meeting was adjourned.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Kolodziej, Recording Secretary

07-14-2008 Police Commission

July 14, 2008 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The July 2008 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on July 14, 2008 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Donald Farris, and Rose Hejl. Also present was Chief Fred Frego of the St. John Police Department. Commissioner Robert Long, Commissioner Ronald Vale and Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel were not present at this meeting. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


June 9, 2008 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the June 9, 2008 meeting. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).


There were no items of Correspondence and/or Communications brought before the Commission at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for June 2008. Chief Frego stated that from June 1, 2008 through June 30, 2008, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 20,279 miles and responded to 591 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 38 adult arrests with 56 charges being filed and 4 juvenile arrests with 9 charges being filed. There were 292 traffic citations issued along with 99 written warnings for a total of 376 citations being issued during the month of June 2008 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of June, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $5,713.00. The total value of recovered property was $566.00. Regarding grant activity, the officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / OSS / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 84 traffic citations and 48 written warnings for a total of 132 citations being issued on the grants during the month of June 2008. The investigation of these violations resulted in 7 adult arrests with 12 charges being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of June 2008.

In response to Commissioner Farris’ question regarding the 4th of July holiday, Chief Frego advised it was very uneventful with a minimum amount of calls regarding fireworks. Commissioner Farris stated he felt the Town’s fireworks were very nice.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


Budget –
Chief Frego advised the 2009 Budget will be the same as the 2008 Budget, which was the same as the 2007 Budget. There will be no salary increases in 2009, and the probability of hiring additional officers is minimal at this time unless current officers choose to quit or retire.
Physical Plant –
There was nothing new to report on this topic.


New Reserve Officers –
Chief Frego advised the Commission that Reserve Officer Toni Lozano has resigned and is no longer a part of the Reserve Officer Program.


There were no matters brought before the Commission under this topic.


Chief Frego stated the Police Department will be hosting a National Night Out at Prairie West Park on Tuesday, August 5, 2008 from 6 P.M. to 10 P.M. This is the first time for an event of this nature to be hosted by the Department in a central location and open to all Town residents. In the past, individual subdivisions hosted a National Night Out which was tied into a subdivision block party. There will be hot dogs, chips, pop, and games for the children. The Fire Department will also be present at this event in a limited capacity. Chief Frego stated they are hoping for a good response by residents. The Department has attempted to notify the community of this event by a notation on the water bills, through local businesses and their marquee signs, a letter that was sent to local homeowner associations, information on the Town’s website, etc. Chief Frego said he will be contacting the local newspaper in an attempt to have a story ran about National Night Out.


There were no matters brought before the Commission tonight.


There were no comments received from the public.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, August 11, 2008. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Farris made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the meeting was adjourned.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Kolodziej, Recording Secretary

08-11-2008 Police Commission

August 11, 2008 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The August 2008 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on August 11, 2008 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Donald Farris, Rose Hejl, Robert Long and Ronald Vale. Also present were Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel and Commander Frank Chapranda. Commander Chapranda was representing Chief Fred Frego, who was unable to be present at this meeting. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


July 14, 2008 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the July 14, 2008 meeting. With a second by Commissioner Long, the motion carried unanimously (5-0).


There were no items of Correspondence and/or Communications brought before the Commission at tonight’s meeting.


Commander Chapranda read the monthly report for July 2008. Commander Chapranda stated that from July 1, 2008 through July 31, 2008, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 23,215 miles and responded to 576 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 54 adult arrests with 74 charges being filed and 2 juvenile arrests with 3 charges being filed. There were 437 traffic citations issued along with 118 written warnings for a total of 531 citations being issued during the month of July 2008 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of July, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $3,714.00. The total value of recovered property was $131.00. Regarding grant activity, the officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / OSS / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 17 traffic citations and 12 written warnings for a total of 29 citations being issued on the grants during the month of July 2008. The investigation of these violations resulted in 8 adult arrests with 14 charges being filed and 2 juvenile arrests with 2 charges being filed on the grants for the month of July 2008.

Commander Chapranda commented that Northwestern University’s School of Police Staff and Command will begin classes at the St. John Public Safety Facility on Monday, August 25, 2008. Corporal Timothy Gardenhire and Corporal James Turturillo will be attending this class. With their completion of this class, almost all supervisors at the St. John Police Department will have gone through this program. The one remaining supervisor who has not attended the School of Police Staff and Command is Lt. Rick Kouder.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


Budget –
Commander Chapranda advised that four (4) radar units (2-movers and 2-handheld) have been ordered, and payment for these units will be taken from funds received from the Infraction Deferral Program. The department has had two handheld units go down recently, and it is not cost effective to repair them. The two new movers are basically to update and replace two older units.
Physical Plant –
There was nothing new to report on this topic as everything seems to be doing well.


New Reserve Officers –
There was nothing new to report under this topic.

Commissioner Dodaro advised the Officer’s Eligibility List will be expiring in November. This matter will be dealt with in the next couple of months.


There were no matters brought before the Commission under this topic.


Commander Chapranda had no comments to make at this time.


Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel advised the Commission she is the Webmaster for the Town’s website so anytime anyone makes comments through the Town’s website, it comes into her inbox. She stated that within the last six (6) months, she has received between 4 to 5 inquiries about the Reserve Program. She has forwarded these inquiries to Chief Frego in the past, but was wondering if the Commission would like the inquiries forwarded to them as well. Commissioner Dodaro stated no, because the Reserve Program is strictly handled within the Police Department. Some discussion ensued.


There were no comments received from the public.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, September 8, 2008. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Farris made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the meeting was adjourned.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Kolodziej, Recording Secretary

09-08-2008 Police Commission Meeting Canceled
10-13-2008 Police Commission

October 13, 2008 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The October 2008 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on October 13, 2008 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Donald Farris, and Rose Hejl. Also present were Chief Fred Frego and Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel. Commissioners Robert Long and Ronald Vale were unable to be present at this meeting. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


August 11, 2008 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the August 11, 2008 meeting. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the motion carried unanimously (3-0). There was no regular meeting held in September, 2008.


There were no items of Correspondence and/or Communications brought before the Commission at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for September 2008. Chief Frego stated that from September 1, 2008 through September 30, 2008, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 21,578 miles and responded to 557 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 26 adult arrests with 40 charges being filed and 3 juvenile arrests with 4 charges being filed. There were 300 traffic citations issued along with 72 written warnings for a total of 372 citations being issued during the month of September 2008 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of September, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $4,571.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. Chief Frego stated that the St. John Police executed two (2) search warrants during the month of September; both search warrants were narcotics related and issued on information that was developed by the Department’s patrol officers while on arrests. Regarding grant activity, the officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / OSS / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 75 traffic citations and 37 written warnings for a total of 112 citations being issued on the grants during the month of September 2008. The investigation of these violations resulted in 1 adult arrest with 1 charge being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of September 2008.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


Budget –
Chief Frego advised the 2009 Budget is currently being contemplated by the Town Council.
Physical Plant –
Chief Frego advised the Department is hosting the Northwestern University’s School of Police Staff and Command at the Public Safety Facility. The class started their sixth week today.


Commissioner Dodaro stated the Officer’s Eligibility List will be expiring in November, and the Commission will address this issue next month.

Regarding the Reserve Officers, Chief Frego advised one of the new reserve officers was involved in an off duty incident and as a result, he was asked to resign. The reserve resigned without further incident.


Commissioner Dodaro advised he had before him for the Commission’s approval and adoption revised General Order 3.08 –
Juvenile Arrest Process on Station. Chief Frego stated the Department’s old policy did not reflect that a Status Offender and a Delinquent Child could not be held in a secure setting. A Status Offender is any person under 18 years of age who commits a crime that would not be a crime if he was an adult (truancy, runaway, possession of alcohol, etc.). Chief Frego advised that every year the Department has to send documentation away regarding our policy on lock-up procedures along with a copy of the Department’s General Order. In the past and while in the old station, the Department did get cited for not having the proper facilities to contain Status Offenders. This policy contains “Definitions” for Status Offender, Delinquent Child, Secure Custody, and Non-Secure Custody, which were not included in the old policy. Other than the Definitions, the policy remained the same. Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approved revised General Order 3.08 – Juvenile Arrest Process on Station as presented. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).

Also presented tonight for the Commission’s approval and adoption was a revised St. John Police Department Organization Chart. On the revised chart, Commander Michael Fryzel is now in charge of Operations, which includes Patrol and Investigations. Also, the Department has a new detective, Corporal Jay Dahlin, who will be working with Captain Bernard Johnsen in Investigations. Commissioner Farris made a motion to approve and adopt the revised St. John Police Department Organization Chart as presented. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried unanimously (3-0).

Subdivisions Without Reflective Street Signs –
Chief Dodaro stated it was his understanding there have been some complaints regarding this topic. Chief Frego stated he has not received any complaints from the general public, but he believes that some of the officers have brought the matter to his attention, and he has addressed this matter with Town Manager Steve Kil and Public Works Director Robert Pharazyn. Basically, this is a matter that “slipped through the cracks.” Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel stated she addressed this matter at a Town Council meeting, and both Police Chief Frego and Fire Chief Willman were made aware of this situation, as well as it was documented in the minutes of that meeting. Mrs. Teibel advised she does not believe they can change the existing signs because it creates a hardship but in the future, the signs will be reflective. The signs are the responsibility of the developers, not the Town. Mrs. Teibel advised the Town will author an ordinance for this purpose, and this matter will be a requirement the developer will have to follow, which will be addressed during the Planning Commission stages. Some discussion ensued.


Chief Frego had no comments to make at this time.


Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel stated she sent letter to the St. John Police Department, which she copied the Police Commission on, advising how pleased she was with the officers who handled a situation that she was personally involved in. The officers were very comforting, calming, and it could not have been better than if her own family were taking care of her.


Ms. Janet Brennan, of 10151 Delmar Street, St. John, Indiana, advised she was present tonight in order to ask for guidance on where she can get information on filing a complaint against an officer. Ms. Brennan stated she spoke with Chief Frego over the weekend, and she was in the police station today speaking to the Commander (Chapranda) about the matter. She stated she felt like she was being dissuaded because it was pointed out to her that the officer could sue her if her complaint was not termed properly. She stated she was looking for statute guidance or information as to what are viable terms that can be used in filing a complaint. Commissioner Dodaro advised Ms. Brennan she needed to go to the police station and complete the appropriate form at the police station. Ms. Brennan stated she was at the police station today and saw the appropriate form, but she was wanting the guidelines for what the complaints can be based on, because in meeting with the Commander today at the police station, that is where she felt dissuaded, and even intimidated, to not file a complaint. Again, Commissioner Dodaro advised Ms. Brennan to put her complaint in writing on the official complaint form, and then the complaint will be investigated. Ms. Brennan then asked if there was a specific statute that she could look up that shows what is considered a valid complaint regarding abuse of power or misuse of position. Ms. Brennan stated she would like to look at the viable options before she filled out the official complaint form to make sure that what she is saying conforms to what it is. Much discussion ensued. Ms. Brennan stated she would keep looking for information regarding how to file a complaint.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, November 10, 2008. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Farris made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the meeting was adjourned.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Kolodziej, Recording Secretary

11-10-2008 Police Commission

November 10, 2008 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The November 2008 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on November 10, 2008 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Donald Farris, Rose Hejl, Robert Long and Ronald Vale. Also present were Chief Fred Frego and Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


October 13, 2008 Regular Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the October 13, 2008 meeting. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the motion carried unanimously (5-0).


There were no items of Correspondence and/or Communications brought before the Commission at tonight’s meeting.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for October 2008. Chief Frego stated that from October 1, 2008 through October 31, 2008, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 23,745 miles and responded to 546 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 31 adult arrests with 38 charges being filed and 3 juvenile arrests with 4 charges being filed. There were 249 traffic citations issued along with 69 written warnings for a total of 318 citations being issued during the month of October 2008 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of October, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $9,466.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. Regarding grant activity, the officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / OSS / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 58 traffic citations and 30 written warnings for a total of 88 citations being issued on the grants during the month of October 2008. The investigation of these violations resulted in 7 adult arrests with 8 charges being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of October 2008.


There were no matters of “Old Business.”


Budget –
Chief Frego advised the 2009 Budget was approved on its first reading at the last Town Council meeting. The second reading of the budget will be on Monday, November 24, 2008.
Physical Plant –
Chief Frego advised the Department is in the process of obtaining bids on a maintenance contract for the radio console and for the HVAC in the building. The warranties for the new building have expired.


Commissioner Dodaro stated the Officer’s Eligibility List will be expiring later this month, and the Commission needs to determine if they are going to extend the list for six (6) months, or if they are going to let the list expire. Chief Frego stated in light of the financial situation that is being encountered by all the local municipalities, he does not see any additional hiring of police officers in 2009. The proposed 2009 budget does not reflect monies for the purpose of hiring additional officers; therefore, Chief Frego felt it is a moot point as far as hoping to hire somebody off the current list. However, should circumstances arise that would constitute an emergency hire situation, it would be a good idea to have the list available. Some discussion ensued. Commissioner Farris made a motion to extend the Officer’s Eligibility List for an additional six months (new expiration date is May 29, 2009). With a second by Commissioner Long, the motion carried unanimously (5-0).


Revised G.O. #11.01 – Care & Use of Department Owned Vehicles -
Commissioner Dodaro advised the Commission had before them for approval and adoption revised General Order 11.01 – Care & Use of Department Owned Vehicles. Commissioner Dodaro asked if any of the other commissioners had any comments. Commissioner Vale stated he did not feel the Commission should take away the use of the squad cars from the officers who live outside the Town limits but still have free carte blanche for those officers who live in Town. He estimated the savings would be around $2,000.00 a year against a $1.7 million budget deficit, and he felt this was infinitesimal and wrong. Further, Commissioner Vale stated he would not vote in favor of this revised general order.

Commissioner Hejl stated she had questions regarding several sections of the general order, inclusive of the area Commissioner Vale mentioned. Commissioner Hejl stated she really did not know what the purpose was for this revision. Chief Frego explained during the entire budget process for 2009, several meetings were held regarding the financial problems the Town is currently encountering. The Town has a projected deficit of $1.7 million in 2009. During these meetings, there were a host of suggestions made to reduce this deficit. The game plan that was arrived at was that there would be $400,000.00 in cuts made from within. Restricting the use of the squad cars fell into the scheme of things regarding the cuts the Town Council wanted to make. Chief Frego said he was instructed by the Town Council to propose a new general order regarding the department owned vehicles that would more or less fit into their way of thinking. The original thought was to park all squad cars and go to a “pool car” type of system to save money. Through negotiations and contentious discussions, it was agreed upon that he would come up with a policy that would hopefully be acceptable to the Town Council. Chief Frego stated he came up with this revision to General Order 11.01, submitted this revision to the Town Council, and they agreed upon this policy. Chief Frego stated he felt this was the best case scenario that the Department could have at this time. Further, he stated he did not believe the policy would be permanent and when times get better, it could be revisited, and it could be revised to go back to where it was. Chief Frego stated in the meantime, he felt it was the best recommendation that he could come up with for right now.

Commissioner Long stated he had a problem with the 15 mile radius restriction as he did not think it was fair and equitable. Chief Frego advised that the 15 mile radius restriction is not new to the general order as it has been there for a long time.

Commissioner Hejl asked if changes must be made, could they come up with something that would work for everyone and not just half? She suggested allowing the use of the vehicles in the tri-town area by all officers. Chief Frego stated this suggestion was proposed and then rejected by the Town Council.

Commissioner Vale queried as to whether, in all the negotiations and discussions, the miles traveled were considered in mathematical equations (i.e., the officers who live out of Town drive 15 miles off-duty or 80 miles off-duty, then multiply that number by $3.00 per gallon, which would allow one to determine the amount of savings that could be derived by not allowing the officers who live outside the town limits of St. John to drive their squads off-duty), or was this just an arbitrary thing that came up wherein it was determined that everybody who lives in Town can drive their cars off-duty while those who live outside of Town cannot? Again, Commissioner Vale stated he was not happy with the proposed revision, and he would not vote to pass the revision. Some discussion ensued pertaining to scheduling an Executive Session or a Special Meeting to discuss this matter further, which would provide the opportunity for all commissioners to air their opinions regarding the revision. Chief Frego responded to Commissioner Vale’s query by stating calculations were made, and this part of the proposed package is expected to save $6,000. Chief Frego further stated there are a lot of different things being put together to get to the amount that needs to be saved (i.e., personnel lay-offs, discontinuing the employees’ longevity pay, and reducing the officers’ clothing allowance by $500). Chief Frego advised everybody is being affected by the budget restraints.

Commissioner Vale stated he still does not understand the situation and went on to explain the way things have been over the past 30 years; specifically stating his disappointment that the Annual Fire and Police Open House was cancelled due to a cost of $5000, yet the Town continues to host events such as Halloween Houses, Christmas in the Park, etc. He stated it is wonderful to do those events for the residents of the Town unless there is a budget crunch. He felt it was wrong in any fashion to host those types of events while taking away from the employees who serve and protect the Town. Commissioner Vale stated he felt there are other ways to cut “fat” from the budget. Further, a savings of approximately $6000 in a year against a $1.7 million deficit does not make any sense to him. Chief Frego stated he felt that this discussion was being held at the wrong meeting; the Town Council meeting was last week and that is where all these items were discussed.

Commissioner Long stated all that was necessary was for the Commission to be able to see how the numbers were calculated to get to this decision. Chief Frego stated he did not do the calculations for the big scenario. Commissioner Long advised Chief Frego he understood that but since the Chief was in charge, he wanted to see the supporting numbers and how those numbers were derived. After the Commission had a chance to review those numbers, Commissioner Long felt the Commission would then have another meeting regarding this revision. Commissioner Long stated it was his opinion that what he was asking was only fair.

Commissioner Dodaro stated he agreed with Commissioner Long, and he would like to respond to some of Commissioner Vale’s comments. First of all, Commissioner Dodaro stated he was not the enemy here. He stated the way he read the general order, all police personnel were allowed to take their cars to and from work. Police personnel who live in Town are allowed to use their car within the Town. He stated he felt this policy was not hindering the citizens of the Town at all. Policemen who elect to drive their cars off duty in the Town are expected to respond to the situations that they come across or that they hear on the radio. Therefore, the citizens of the Town are not being hurt by the policy.

Commissioner Long stated he disagreed with Commissioner Dodaro, and he felt Commissioner Dodaro was missing the point. The point is that if the morale of the Police Department suffers, then the quality of police work suffers. He felt this is what they were talking about today, over small dollars, and this is something that bothers him. Commissioner Dodaro stated he agreed with Commissioner Long but this revision is coming from the Town Council. Again, Commissioner Long stated he would like to see the numbers and how those numbers were derived. Chief Frego stated the Commission should have attended the Town Council meeting to address their concerns.

Commissioner Hejl questioned how Section “C,” Item 8, which states that when an officer is not working a regular shift, he is on-call for emergency call outs, would work under this policy. Chief Frego stated the officers’ cars are at home with them. More discussion ensued regarding the on-call status of the officers. Chief Frego advised there has never been a problem with this section of the policy. In fact, Chief Frego stated about three (3) weeks ago there was an incident in Town, which was a day-time burglary, and when the off-duty officers were called out, the response was wonderful. The officers are to be commended on their response. Within 15 minutes, there were an additional six (6) squads out. Chief Frego stated this “sold” his argument about allowing the officers to take the cars home with them instead of parking them at the station.

Commissioner Farris questioned the number of officers who live outside the 15 mile radius. Chief Frego responded that there are none.

Commissioner Dodaro asked Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel to comment on this matter. Mrs. Teibel stated there have been three (3) (public) budget meetings and the only member sitting with the Commission tonight that has been in attendance at those meetings is Joan Kolodziej. The police officers have been to those meetings as well. If the Police Commission wanted to know what was going on, as residents of this Town and as Commission members, then they probably should have been there because then they would not be asking all these questions. Mrs. Teibel then addressed Commissioner Vale regarding “Halloween Houses,” wherein she stated the “Halloween House” made the Town of St. John $37,000.00, enough to support itself and support Christmas in the Park. Therefore, this item is off the table. As far as cuts, the Police Department was not the only department that was cut. The Town Council had to fire, not lay off, two (2) employees in Building and Planning. She further stated there are a lot of cuts being made in Town, and she feels the Police Department did get whacked. Further, at last Thursday’s Town Council meeting, she stated she voted “no” on the budget.

Commissioner Dodaro stated if the Town Council wanted the Police Commission involved in these negotiations, then the Commission should have been invited. Mrs. Teibel stated no one else was invited, yet the employees showed up. Commissioner Dodaro stated he did not attend the meetings because as a resident he has no problems and that this is not his livelihood. Commissioner Long stated he did not wish to be lectured on whether he should attend Town Council meetings. Mrs. Teibel stated that when Chief Frego brought his first proposal to the Town Council, it was turned down. Chief Frego then spent a lot of time and brought another proposal to the meeting, and got “clipped” big time. Every one of the officers stood up in favor of the Chief’s proposals, and it would have been a big help if the Commission would have been there to stand up and express its concerns instead of at a venue like tonight. Mrs. Teibel went on to say she understands that the Police Commission has the bottom line and the final say regarding policies for the Police Department. The Town Council will not “step on your toes” but just for the record, she stated she voted “no” on the entire budget, the way it was laid out, the way it was presented, etc., but she felt the need to clear some things up about “Halloween Houses.” The monies earned from that event goes into a special revenue fund that no one can touch just like the Chief has a fund that cannot be used to pay electric bills. Commissioner Long stated he would like to take the emotions out of the discussion, and he would just like to see the numbers and how they came about. Mrs. Teibel advised Commissioner Long that he needed to contact Councilman Mark Barenie, as well as Financial Advisor James Bennett, regarding this matter. More discussion ensued regarding the budget, the supporting numbers, and the timeframe that this policy needs to be enforced. Chief Frego stated that all the budget cuts will become effective January 1, 2009. Commissioner Long stated he was concerned for the police officers and business in general. He stated the way the economy works is if you make a cut, historically, those items very rarely come back in play again because it is accepted behavior. Mrs. Teibel stated it is on the record that these budget cuts are temporary and not permanent. More discussion ensued on the “temporary” status of the cuts and the need for the economy to come back around before these items can come back on the table.

Chief Frego explained a similar “temporary” situation that occurred last year when a temporary moratorium was placed on the officers wherein the officers were not allowed to drive their cars while off-duty. This action was taken when the cost of gasoline skyrocketed, and it saved dollars. However, it was only temporary. Chief Frego stated he believes that this is the same thing the Town Council is trying to do now – take actions that will only be temporary. Chief Frego stated he felt the recommendations he made were “the best of both worlds.” The officers are able to retain their squad cars for driving back and forth to work; therefore, this would not impact anybody financially as far as having to purchase a car for commuting to and from work. Further, Chief Frego stated this policy allows the officers who live in Town to continue to drive in Town while off-duty, which upholds the public safety issue.

Commissioner Farris stated he personally does not have an issue with this policy since all the officers live within the 15 mile radius, and they are allowed to drive their cars to and from work. Further, he stated he did not see the driving while off-duty as being a big issue. Chief Frego stated he believed this is a trend that is going to catch on because every department is talking about it.

Commissioner Dodaro stated he felt an Executive Session was in order for the purpose of discussing the proposed amendments to this policy. Commissioner Hejl made a motion to table this matter until it can be discussed in an Executive Session. With a second by Commissioner Long, the motion carried unanimously (5-0).


Chief Frego advised the Chase Bank in Town was robbed. The robbery occurred early in the afternoon on a Thursday and by Saturday morning, the bank robber was in custody. All the officers and detectives did a wonderful job. Some discussion ensued regarding details of the bank robbery.


Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel stated during the Haunted House, they were extremely busy with lines all the way to the parking lot. She stated Chief Frego made sure they had uniformed police officers present. There was one incident that occurred which she was extremely glad officers were there. She stated the officers were great, and she felt the St. John Police Department received a lot of good exposure during the Haunted House. The officers conducted themselves beautifully. Mrs. Teibel thanked Chief Frego and his staff for doing a good job.


Captain Bernard J. Johnsen, of 9123 W. 90th Avenue, St. John, Indiana, thanked the Commission for not “buying into” the revised general order. However, he felt it necessary to state that without a reasonable doubt, Chief Frego absolutely did not want to impose the restrictions listed in the policy on the police officers. He stated Chief Frego has taken great pains and has been very disappointed because he did not want to see the employees lose their longevity and have their clothing allowance cut. However, Chief Frego did not have much choice because he was told that this is what the Town Council was going to do, and he was told to come up with an answer. Captain Johnsen stated he felt Chief Frego was between a rock and a hard spot, and the strength was in the Police Commission; not in the Chief of Police. Captain Johnsen stated he was at the budget meetings, and he spoke at those meetings about losing his longevity after being with the Department for almost 34 years. Captain Johnsen agrees with Commissioner Long that once you lose a benefit, you are probably not ever going to get it back. He stated “temporary” is synonymous with “final.” Captain Johnsen informed the Commission of a second meeting on the budget scheduled for November 24, 2008, and he asked the Commission members to attend that meeting. Captain Johnsen stated he appreciates the fact that the Commission is behind the police officers, and should it come about that the officers who live out of Town do not get to drive their cars, then he will not take his car home. He stated discussion has been held amongst the officers, and it is their feeling it has to be either they are all going to have their cars, or they are all going to park them. Captain Johnsen thanked the Commission for allowing him to speak.


The Commission decided to schedule an Executive Session for 7:00 P.M. on November 17, 2008, if the calendar allowed, for the purpose of discussing the proposed revision of General Order 11.01 – Care & Use of Department Owned Vehicles. The location of this meeting will be determined upon room availability. The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, December 8, 2008. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Hejl made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:35 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Kolodziej, Recording Secretary

11-18-2008 Police Commission

November 18, 2008 Police Commission Special Meeting Minutes

A Special Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on November 18, 2008 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Donald Farris, and Rose Hejl. Also present was Chief Fred Frego. Commissioners Robert Long and Ronald Vale, as well as Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel, were not present. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


Consideration of General Order 11.01 – Department Owned Vehicles –
Commissioner Farris made a motion to approve and adopt the revised General Order 11.01 presented before the Commission tonight. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried unanimously (3-0). Per Chief Frego’s recommendation, revised General Order 11.01 will go into effect on January 1, 2009.
Discussion of General Order 17.01 – Overtime / Compensatory Time / Personal Day –
Chief Frego advised the revision being proposed for General Order 17.01 increases the number of hours an officer must accumulate in his/her compensatory time bank before being paid monetarily for overtime. The current number of hours that must be banked is 24, and this revision increases that number to 48. Chief Frego stated he chose the number 48 because it is divisible by both 8 and 12 due to having some employees working 8-hour shifts and some who work 12-hour shifts. Increasing this number to 48 will provide some flexibility in regards to the Town Council’s mandate of no payouts for overtime. Chief Frego stated this revision will also include the removal of Section III. Procedure, A, Item 3, stating “Any compensatory time or overtime received by the officer must be taken within sixty (60) days after said time has been approved.” Some discussion ensued regarding the timeframe that officers are required to take their compensatory time. With the removal of Section III, Procedure, A, Item 3, Item 5 in the same section will need to be either removed or revised. Chief Frego stated that if and when times get better and funds are freed up for payment of overtime, he is certainly not against the officers earning extra money. The officers do have several off-duty employment opportunities to earn extra income, such as the Grant, which has been very good to the officers and which allows the officers to work at time and one-half, Clark Middle School, Lake Central High School, etc. Commissioner Dodaro suggested this matter be tabled until all the Commissioners have an opportunity to review the proposed revision. The Commission agreed to table this item until the December 8, 2008 Regular Meeting of the Police Commission.


Chief Frego advised the final meeting for the 2009 Budget will be held on Monday, November 24, 2008 at a Special Town Council Meeting. Chief Frego stated he anticipates the 2009 Budget will be passed at that time.


There were no items brought before the Commission under this topic.


There were no public comments made.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, December 8, 2008. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Hejl made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:09 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Kolodziej, Recording Secretary

12-08-2008 Police Commission

December 8, 2008 Police Commission Meeting Minutes

The December 2008 Regular Meeting of the Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners of the Town of St. John was held on December 8, 2008 at 7:00 P.M., as advertised, pursuant to law. Commissioner Dodaro called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. and then led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken with the following members of the Police Commission being present; namely, William Dodaro, Donald Farris, Rose Hejl, and Ronald Vale. Also present was Chief Fred Frego. Councilman Robert Long and Town Council Liaison Jerri Teibel were not present. No legal representation was present at the meeting.


November 10, 2008 Regular Meeting and November 18, 2008 Special Meeting - Commissioner Hejl made a motion to approve the minutes as written from the November 10, 2008 Regular Meeting and the November 18, 2008 Special Meeting. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).


Commissioner Dodaro advised the Commission and Police Department had received a “Thank You” note from the Thomas J. Ryan Family. Mr. Ryan, who lived in town and who also had a business in town, passed away in November prior to Thanksgiving, and the card was thanking the Police Department for their compassion and professionalism.

Commissioner Dodaro stated Chief Frego and the Members of the Police Commission received correspondence dated December 1, 2008 from Leep’s Highway Garage. Commissioner Dodaro read said correspondence, which advised of Leep’s Highway Garage’s interest in being added to the St. John Police Department’s towing roster. The Commission stated they would invite Leep’s to attend the Annual Tow Meeting held at the Commission’s meeting in February. Chief Frego stated he would check into whether Leep’s currently tows for any other towns. Commissioner Dodaro stated he would like the Town Council made aware of this request.


Chief Frego read the monthly report for November 2008. Chief Frego stated that from November 1, 2008 through November 30, 2008, the members of the St. John Police Department logged 18,069 miles and responded to 473 incidents. The investigation of these incidents led to 24 adult arrests with 31 charges being filed, and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed. There were 178 traffic citations issued along with 80 written warnings for a total of 258 citations being issued during the month of November 2008 by the officers of the St. John Police Department. Also during the month of November, vehicle thefts totaled $0.00, and all other thefts totaled $5,500.00. The total value of recovered property was $0.00. Regarding grant activity, the officers of the St. John Police Department, while working the OPO / BCC / OSS / DUI Taskforce Grants, issued 79 traffic citations and 64 written warnings for a total of 143 citations being issued on the grants during the month of November 2008. The investigation of these violations resulted in 9 adult arrests with 17 charges being filed and 0 juvenile arrests with 0 charges being filed on the grants for the month of November 2008.


Revised G.O. #17.01 – Overtime / Compensatory Time / Personal Days –
Commissioner Dodaro confirmed that the commissioners had received the revised General Order #17.01, and he asked if there were any questions or comments. In response to Commissioner Farris’ comment, Chief Frego explained Item No. 4, under Procedure A, Overtime or Compensatory Time. Chief Frego stated by increasing the bank of compensatory time hours to 48, it would provide added flexibility to the Officers’ Schedule. Some discussion ensued, and it was determined that the word “accrued” should be added to Item No. 4, wherein it will now read as follows: Any accrued overtime or compensatory time may be assigned to the officer by a supervisor.” Commissioner Farris then made a motion to approve and adopt revised General Order #17.01 – Overtime / Compensatory Time / Personal Days as modified above. With a second by Commissioner Hejl, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).


Budget –
There was nothing new to report on the budget.
Physical Plant –
Chief Frego advised there are some heating issues going on at the newq facility, which are currently being looked into.


Commissioner Dodaro advised that the Commissioners who are present this evening signed the revised Officer’s Eligibility List that was extended for an additional six months at last month’s meeting. The new expiration date is May 29, 2009.


Revised G.O. #19.03 – Patrol (Towing) –
Chief Frego advised the only change in this general order is pursuant to a recent Appellate Court case wherein a police department lost a case due to opening locked containers in a vehicle wherein they found contraband. The Appellate Court ruled that the inventory/search policy of that particular department was not specific enough. This general order has been revised to include the opening of closed and/or locked containers (Section III. Procedure, Item B, Numbers 1 thru 4). Some discussion ensued, Commissioner Hejl, motion to approved revised General Order #19.03 as presented. With a second by Commissioner Vale, the motion carried unanimously (4-0).

Regarding the request from Leep’s Highway Garage, Commissioner Dodaro asked that the Commission members be provided with the directive (ordinance) that establishes the Police Department’s Tow Policy.


Chief Frego advised that the two (2) squad cars replacing totaled Squads #8 and #13 have been ordered as of last week. The vendor has promised a more timely delivery date than the last order. Hopefully by the end of December, all four (4) new squads will be ready and on the road. Currently, the department has been utilizing creative scheduling in order to provide squad cars for the officers.


There were no items brought before the Commission at this time.


There were no comments made at this time.


The next Regular Meeting will be on Monday, January 12, 2009. There will be a Work Study Session only if deemed necessary. The Regular Public Meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. Any and all Executive Sessions will be advertised pursuant to law.


Commissioner Vale made a motion for adjournment. With a second by Commissioner Farris, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:15 P.M.

Town of St. John, Lake County
Indiana, Board of Metropolitan
Police Commissioners

Rose Hejl, Secretary


Joan M. Gorcos, Recording Secretary

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